Yves HABONIMANA born on 12/15/1986 in NYAVYAMO, commune BURURI, province of Bururi, is a doctor of medicine from the University of Burundi, co-founder and Director of programs of Village Health Action, a non-profit health organization profit aimed at promoting public health on the national territory of Burundi.
Thanks to this organization, he organized a series of community awareness activities in remote areas of the country and in disadvantaged urban areas of Burundi.
His particular attention is in injecting drug users in all their differences as well as in chronic diseases and has been sent on an exchange program by the World Health Organization to Mombasa in Kenya to acquire the necessary knowledge in order to deal well with this problem which was little new in the National health programs.
Its prevention mission has been reinforced in recent years in key populations who were completely forgotten.
He trained thousands of young people in professional skills in collaboration with these fellow co-founders in order to reduce youth unemployment; it aims to empower them in English, IT and first aid.
Yves is in the early stages of approaching FIFA’s medical career and received a medical degree from FIFA in March 2020.
After his medical studies ended with a study on the Evaluation of the nutritional status of children from 0 to 18 months attending the vaccination service of the CHUK, he continued his research career by accompanying the students of Martin Luther King University from Bujumbura where he teaches medical courses.